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Social media
Social media is the medium through which internet users can contact and share information over the internet.
Industry: Internet; Online services
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Social media
Culture; Social media
Emotives are the expressions of feelings through the use of language, specifically through constructions that explicitly describe emotional states or attitudes.
Culture; Social media
A dyad (from Greek dýo, "two") in sociology is a noun used to describe a group of two people. A dyad is the smallest possible social group.
cultura dominant
Culture; Social media
La cultura dominant en una societat es refereix a la llengua establert, religió, comportament, valors, rituals i costums socials. Aquests trets són sovint la norma per a la societat com un tot. La ...
Culture; Social media
Deviance in a sociological context describes actions or behaviors that violate cultural norms including formally-enacted rules (e.g., crime) as well as informal violations of social norms (e.g., ...
Culture; Social media
Deinidviduation és la situació on s'allibera el comportament anti-normativa en grups en què individus no són vist o prestat atenció a com a individus. En poques paraules, deindividuation és la ...
Culture; Social media
The term denotes the spread of cultural attributes from one culture to another. Diffusion has long been an alternative to evolutionary theory as an explanation of the origins of cultural variation.
Culture; Social media
Diferenciació és el terme utilitzat per descriure un tret fonamental de modernització: la fragmentació d'àmbits socials, rols i institucions en cada vegada més especialitzats peces.