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Social network; Social marketing

An extreme feeling of frustration/being fed up, with the abundance of poorly wrought memes which are posted to social ...


Hobbies; Crochet

It is an activity that people are doing more and more often. It comes from "window shopping" meaning that people go out just to ...

bulgarian-hungarian online dictionary

Education; Special education

This is a free possibility for searching any kind of Bulgarian and Hungarian (it works in both directions)words, expressions and ...


General; Miscellaneous

Showing the desire to buy more books, despite already owning more than one could possibly read.

iPhonokiaberry people

Culture; People

The age of people who can not imagine their life without iGadgets, iPhones, Web Browsers, Social networks or internet. This ...


Art history; Visual arts

Draw/Drawing+Awesome= Drawsome. Definition: a really good drawing or other piece of art (particularly of the sketching or ...


Language; Slang

Bread in slang means money ,, people say : I need some bread to pay for my car , bread here means money.


Language; Translation

Perplexed about what "please don't rock" on the public bathroom sign really means? What you need is a chinglation! Chinglation ...


Love; Romantic love

A blend of extra and sprize: something lovers give each other in romantic journey. Like giving more than one present or ...


Language; Internet memes

Thanks to the clever journalist who coined 'Brangelina' many years ago, the world has developed an insatiable thirst for more ...


Business administration; Business management

A type of boss who stressed his subordinates with his bad mood, bad character and inefficiency. A toxic leader.


Dance; African-American

A rare condition when one's legs and hips suffer severe pain while dancing ("I'm sorry, I'm afraid you have severe Twerkitis ...

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