U.S. Department of Defence
Industry: Government; Military
Number of terms: 79318
Number of blossaries: 0
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A part of a force held under the control of the commander as a maneuvering force to influence future action.
A parachute maneuver in which the parachute is manually activated at the discretion of the jumper or automatically at a preset altitude.
A number of like satellites that are part of a system. Satellites in a constellation generally have a similar orbit. For example, the Global Positioning System constellation consists of 24 satellites distributed in six orbital planes with similar eccentricities, altitudes, and inclinations.
A mission directed against one or more of a selected series of enemy targets with the purpose of progressive destruction and disintegration of the enemy’s warmaking capacity and will to make war. Targets include key manufacturing systems, sources of raw material, critical material, stockpiles, power systems, transportation systems, communication facilities, and other such target systems. As opposed to tactical operations, strategic operations are designed to have a long-range rather than immediate effect on the enemy and its military forces.
A mine which responds to the magnetic field of a target.
A mine fabricated from available materials at or near its point of use.
A military maneuver or simulated wartime operation involving planning, preparation, and execution. It is carried out for the purpose of training and evaluation. It may be a multinational, joint, or single-Service exercise, depending on participating organizations.
A measure of distance equal to one minute of arc on the Earth’s surface. The United States has adopted the international nautical mile equal to 1,852 meters or 6,076. 11549 feet.
A map that presents the vertical position of features in measurable form as well as their horizontal positions.
A list of standard words used to identify letters in a message transmitted by radio or telephone. The following are the authorized words, listed in order, for each letter in the alphabet: ALFA, BRAVO, CHARLIE, DELTA, ECHO, FOXTROT, GOLF, HOTEL, INDIA, JULIETT, KILO, LIMA, MIKE, NOVEMBER, OSCAR, PAPA, QUEBEC, ROMEO, SIERRA, TANGO, UNIFORM, VICTOR, WHISKEY, X-RAY, YANKEE, and ZULU.