U.S. Department of Defence
Industry: Government; Military
Number of terms: 79318
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The authority given to NATO commanders and normally negotiated in peacetime, to reallocate in an “emergency in war” national logistic resources controlled by the combat forces under their command, and made available by nations, in order to influence the battle logistically.
The authority established at a port or port complex to coordinate arrangements for logistic support and harbor services to ships under naval control and to otherwise support the naval control of shipping organization.
The authority and ability to shift materiel inventory from one owner to meet the requirement of another. At the theater strategic level and operational level, it is the process of diverting en route or in-theater materiel from one military element to meet the higher priority of another within the combatant commander’s directive authority for logistics. Cross-leveling plans must include specific reimbursement procedures.
The authoritative operational direction of and direct levying of signals intelligence (SIGINT) information needs by a military commander on designated SIGINT resources. These requirements are directive, irrespective of other priorities, and are conditioned only by the capability of those resources to produce such information. Operational tasking includes authority to deploy all or part of the SIGINT resources for which SIGINT operational tasking authority has been delegated.
The authoritative direction, scheduling, and control of specific collection operations and associated processing, exploitation, and reporting resources.
The authoritative direction of signals intelligence (SIGINT) activities, including tasking and allocation of effort, and the authoritative prescription of those uniform techniques and standards by which SIGINT information is collected, processed, and reported.
The authoritative development and control of collection, processing, exploitation, and/or reporting requirements that normally result in either the direct tasking of assets over which the collection manager has authority, or the generation of tasking requests to collection management authorities at a higher, lower, or lateral echelon to accomplish the collection mission.
The atmosphere, beginning at the Earth’s surface, extending to the altitude where its effects upon operations become negligible.
The associated items of cryptomaterial that are used as a unit and provide a single means of encryption and decryption.
The assigned airborne qualified individual who controls paratroops from the time they enter the aircraft until they exit.