Created by: s9021308
Number of Blossarys: 1
To express a desire for; ask for. Often used with an infinitive or clause: requested information about the experiment; requested to see the evidence firsthand; requested that the bus driver stop at the next corner. To ask (a person) to do something: The police requested her to accompany them.
請求、索求、察求。禮記˙曲禮上「百年曰期頤」句下孔穎達˙正義:「人年百歲,不復知衣服飲食寒暖氣味,故人子用心要求親之意,而盡養道也。」紅樓夢˙第十三回:「也管不得許多了,橫豎要求大妹妹辛苦辛苦。」 所提出的祈求或條件。如:「這是個無理的要求,你千萬不要答應他!」
A position or site occupied or available for occupancy or marked by some distinguishing feature.
1 : of or relating to the mails or the post office2 : conducted by mail
1. an act of choosing2a : the power or right to choose : freedom of choiceb : a privilege of demanding fulfillment of a contract on any day within a specified timec : a contract conveying a right to buy or sell designated securities, commodities, or property interest at a specified price during a stipulated period; also : the right conveyed by an optiond : a right of an insured person to choose the form in which payments due on a policy shall be made or applied
The act of conveying or delivering; something delivered, as a shipment or package; the act of transferring to another.